Friday, February 19, 2010

Thoughts... on thoughts

Thoughts are like soap bubbles in a bath. They emerge in an invigorating flush, ballooning inside of your mind… you can play with them, mull over them… and then if you’re not careful..poof! they’re gone in a flash, at times the very pressure of the thought causing it to explode, to vanish forever. How strange! The tiny pin prick of another pressing thought, or a momentary lapse of attention is all it takes to make that fragile, concentrated bubble of thought to disappear, to merge with the millions of other lost thoughts, forgotten ideas of a million people.

I think about a million things all the time, all day long. There are resolutions I make, ideas that emerge.. and then in a flash, they’re all gone… products of the human mind, so sublime, they vanish into thin air, many a time never to be thought of again.
How do I keep track of my thoughts? How do I get back to those thoughts that were so beautiful, those ideas that were so creative, those resolutions that were so important… how do I capture everything… keep track of every little thing that I thought of doing, revisit them and work on them?
Sigh… if only my thought bubbles weren’t so fickle, weren't playing truant with the conscious mind. That huge, cumbersome machine, churning out little bubbles of thought every instant we breathe… loses sight of the bubbles only to let them escape, or hide slyly in hidden recesses... to lie forgotten, that there remains no memory that they ever emerged.

How do I befriend my thoughts... make myself the master of them all.. and hold them all in my conscious mind, and pick out the important ones at my bidding?

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